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10 recommendations for a European response to the Ukraine invasion

We are at a critical juncture for the future of the European Union and democracy globally. The Russian war of aggression shows that authoritarian rule is a global security problem for states, businesses and people everywhere. Democracy support needs to be a European strategic priority.

Demo Finland and other EPD members have come together to call on EU institutions and European governments to respond to the crisis with a democracy-focused approach in the short term while developing a far more strategic approach to supporting democracy globally in the long term. To this end, we have two sets of actionable recommendations:

Respond to the crisis with a democracy-focused approach

  • Bolster Ukraine’s democratic institutions
  • Invest in Ukrainian civil society
  • Support independent media organisations and journalists in Ukraine
  • Support drivers of change in Russia and Belarus
  • Give a meaningful EU membership perspective to Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova without taking shortcuts on democracy

Ensure democracy is a cornerstone of geopolitical strategy

  • Make democracy a top strategic priority in foreign policy
  • Strengthen democracy at home
  • Support the work and the integrity of independent journalists and media organisations to counter disinformation
  • Combat corruption and kleptocracy
  • Use Team Europe Democracy to improve coordination

Read the whole statement here (opens in a new tab).

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