Demo Finland is an organisation by parties for parties and by politicians for politicians. Its most important resource is the knowledge and experience of Finnish political party actors on the practices of multi-party democracy. Demo Finland’s member parties include the Centre Party, the Christian Democrats, the Finns Party, the Green League, the Left Alliance, Movement Now, the National Coalition Party, the Social Democratic Party of Finland, and the Swedish People’s Party of Finland.
Demo Finland is a member of the Finnish National Commission on Sustainable Development, Finland’s Women, Peace and Security Network, and ry. Demo Finland’s Executive Director is also a member of the Human Rights Delegation of the Human Rights Centre and in the Nordic Democracy Network 21. In addition, Demo Finland is actively engaged in the Development Policy Committee.
Demo Finland is a founding member of the Brussels-based European democracy support network European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) and co-operates closely with the other members of EPD and participates in the joint advocacy work of EPD at EU level.
Demo Finland also participates in the activities of the global Political Party Peer Network that consists of democracy support actors, whose aim is to share good practices, develop ways of measuring the effectiveness of democracy support to political parties, and promote international awareness of democracy support of political parties. On a Nordic level, Demo Finland meets regularly with democracy support actors from Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish political parties to share practices, experiences, and knowledge.
Demo Finland has local partners who implement the programmes. In addition, one of the partners in the programmes in Mozambique, Myanmar, and Tunisia is Demo Finland’s Dutch affiliate organisation the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) and in Kenya, the British organisation Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD).
Network of Ethiopian Women’s Associations (NEWA)
WFD Kenya
Instituto para Democracia Multipartidária (IMD)
Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD)
Sri Lanka
One-Text Initiative (OTI)
Centre des Etudes Méditerranéennes et Internationales (CEMI)
WYDE Civic Engagement
Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD)
Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD)
Zambia National Women’s Lobby (ZNWL)
Disability Rights Watch (DRW)