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Democracy Drinks

An illustration with one hand holding a bottle and the other holding a drink glass. Surrounded by speech bubbles.
Illustration: Marja Hautala / Muuks Creative
What is it about?

Democracy Drinks is an event concept created by Defend Democracy to provide a low-threshold setting for defenders of democracy and others interested in the subject to come together for discussion, networking, brainstorming, planning and finding inspiration. The meetings are usually at the participants’ own expense.

Finland’s first Democracy Drinks event was held at Sitra on 15 September 2022, marking the International Day of Democracy. Since then have Democracy Drinks in Finland been arranged monthly. Democracy Drinks has been established as an ongoing series of events in Finland, building an active community of Finnish defenders and reformers of democracy around it.

NGOs, public actors and businesses are all welcome to join the network of actors that take turns in convening Democracy Drinks, each with their own unique twist. The initiative to bring the concept to Finland first came from Faktabaari, and in the beginning, Sitra coordinated the Finnish Democracy Drinks network. From February 2025, Demo Finland will coordinate the Democracy Drinks in Finland.

How can I get involved?

Do you represent an organisation that seeks to defend and reform democracy? Would you like to join our Democracy Drinks network and host Democracy Drinks in Finland? Contact our Communications and Programme Manager Anna Juhola (

You can find more inspiration for hosting your own event by visiting the international Democracy Drinks website. We will post information on upcoming Democracy Drinks events on this page and, as the date of each event approaches, also in the Democracy Drinks newsletter (in Finnish).

Upcoming Democracy Drinks

2.4.2025 at 17–19, Bar tÿpo (Lintulahdenkatu 3) / Vikes, The Finnish Foundation for Media and Development
The topic of April’s Democracy Drinks is the employment of highly educated journalists with an immigrant background in the media sector.

7.5.2025 / Verian
Research company Verian will host May’s Democracy Drinks. The topic will be Finland’s county and municipal elections.

Previous events

19.3.2025 at 17–18.30, Bar tÿpo (Lintulahdenkatu 3) / Kuntaliitto, The Association of Finnish Municipalities
Bring a friend and join us to raise a glass to democracy and exchange ideas on how a better decision-making culture can make democracy work better in municipalities.

19 March is also Minna Canth and Equality Day, so we will dive into the world of equality – is it already achieved or is there still work to be done, for example by future municipal leaders?

5.2.2025 at 16.30, restaurant Bruuveri, Kamppi shopping centre, Demo Finland & CMC Finland
In February, Democracy Drinks will be convened by Demo Finland together with CMC Finland. The event focuses on practical democracy work: election observation. Join the event to hear how to apply to become an election observer and discuss practical experiences of working as an election observer. As usual, anyone interested in democracy is welcome to the Democracy Drinks to network with other democracy actors.

15.1.2025, at 17–19, online, Hunome
In January, Democracy Drinks will be convened by the Finnish democracy technology start-up Hunome.
The aim of these Democracy Drinks is to launch a debate on the story of Finland and the society we want. We invite you to join us for an inspiring digital ‘bar’ meeting in Zoom to think together about a meaningful society, using the new platform of collective sensemaking by Finnish startup Hunome. Together we will build a perspective map to connect people’s views, inspire each other’s ideas and innovate. At the same time, you’ll get to discover and experiment with how modern co-construction democracy technology works.

Register at and discover Hunome. When you register, enter the code ‘democracydrinks2025’ in the box and your account will be activated immediately and we’ll know you’re attending. To find the right map, type ‘governance’ in the search box or use the link

We have created a base map in Hunome ‘What will good governance look like in 2040?’, with some thought-provoking / guiding questions. You can add your thoughts to the map before the event. At the meeting, we will discuss different perspectives while adding our ideas to the map. You can join the meeting via the following Zoom link:

Let’s Zoom-toast when we’ve built an inspiring Sparkmap!

25.11.2024 at 19–20, Tiedekulma (Yliopistonkatu 4), Eurooppademarit – Tähti & Kalevi Sorsa Foundation
December’s Democracy Drinks will meet a little early, already at the end of November, on Monday 25.11. Fair transition means an equal distribution of benefits and disadvantages, not only among
individuals, groups, regions and sectors, but also globally between different societies. What are the impacts of the transition to the distribution of power and responsibilities? What challenges does our polarised society pose to the transition objectives and consensus on these objectives in general? And how does the democracy of the future look in the midst of multi-sectoral crises?

For this month’s democracy Drinks, Eurooppademarit – Tähti and Kalevi Sorsa Foundation are joining forces. Kalevi Sorsa Foundation is a social democratic think tank, one of the main focuses of which is democracy work. Eurooppademarit – Tähti looks at the world and democracy from a European community perspective. The Drinks are held as an relaxed follow-up to an event organised by the Foundation at Tiedekulma. Democracy Drinks is a non-partisan and open discussion and networking event. A warm welcome, no need to register separately.

Gin Gin.

8.11. at 16.30, Median museo ja arkisto merkki (Ludviginkatu 2–4, Helsinki), RARE Media
On Friday 8.11., RARE Youth Media is organising Democracy Drinks and a screening of the recent RARE DOCS: Finnish Paradox – a short documentary film from 16:30-18 at the Merkki-museum. The event will include a screening of the documentary, after which the makers of the documentary contextualize the film briefly, before an informal networking session. The event is open to all, register here. You are warmly welcome!

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