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Moatize Mine in Mozambique

Democratic oversight of the extractive industries is crucial in resource-rich Mozambique

Mozambique is rich with natural resources, which have the potential to bring a major boost to the country’s social and economic development. In recent years, revenues from extractive industries have formed a significant part of the state’s total revenues. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure a democratic, transparent governance of the natural resource sector to strengthen accountability in the use of these resources. Without efficient oversight there is also a risk of environmental problems and human rights violations. 

Together with its partners Instituto para Democracia Multipartidária (IMD) and the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD), Demo Finland has supported the democratic governance of extractive industries and natural resources in Mozambique since 2017. The second phase of the project “Strengthening the Role of Parliament and Provincial Assemblies in the oversight of the Extractive Industry Sector” started in the beginning of 2020. The project enhances the capacity of the Parliament and Provincial Assemblies regarding their oversight role in the natural resource management.  

This video, created by IMD, explains the rationale behind the project and gives an overview of the activities:

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